Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Frontier Museum

On Monday, we visited the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton, Virginia. We spent the day outdoors, walking from exhibit to exhibit at the museum. The Frontier Museum tells the story of the thousands of people who migrated to Colonial America. The first pioneers came to American during the 1600s and 1700s from communities in England, Germany, Ireland, and West Africa.

To tell the story of these immigrants, the museum has moved examples of traditional rural builidings from Germany, England, Ireland, West Africa and America. The Old World exhibits show rural life and culture in the four homelands of early immigrants. The American exhibits show the life that the colonists and their descendants created in the early United States.

1700s Ireland
Gathered around the fire listening about life in rural Ireland
1700s Germany
Trying on wooden shoes that German children wore to gather firewood and do other outdoor chores

Straining milk for curds and whey

Drawing water from a well

Not so sure about having to draw water from the well for every need
1600s England
1600s English farm house

Fertilizing the garden with manure

Shoveling manure for the garden

The English farmhouse we saw was from an upper middle class family and had real glass!

1700s West Africa

Carrying baskets 


1700s Native American Encampment

Hollowing out a tree trunk to have a canoe

1740s American Settlement
Early American "starter house". These houses were temporary and built to last until the settlers were able to tell if they would be able to survive by farming their new land.

Sawing logs to build a house
1820s America

Hearing about English, German, and Irish influences to American houses

1850s American School House

The boys writing on slates 
The school teacher

The girls trying their hand at writing on slates
We had a great time exploring the early beginnings of Virginia and the United States!

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